2009年11月29日 星期日

Summer Limited Edition

The chilling breeze has left Sydney. In return, boiling water temperature! An average of 35C that prolongs to twelve o'clock in the midnight is really a killer for whisky drinking. No wonder why the Scottish can drink all day everyday, 24-7. As part of their culture, they even add whisky to their breakfast porridge. Nice, what a good way to start of the day, they most important meal ya?!
I have to admit that the current Sydney temperature simply wears off all my incentives and temptation to whisky. On the other hand, I have started to explore the world of beer. I guess beer doesn't really contradicts the purpose of the blog. The whisky master Michael Jackson (I know, but this Michael Jackson isn't that Michael Jackson) actually started his beverage life with beer and then move onto whisky. And, technically (in simple terms), beer and whisky only differ by the process of distillation. Well, I guess I'll make this a seasonal thing. I'll make this series "Summer limited edition" (LOL).

